Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down: Valentine’s Edition

Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down: Valentines Edition

Dan Manganello ‘17, Staff Writer

Thumbs Down:

In case you all forgot, this Sunday is Valentine’s Day. For many high schoolers, February 14th is just another day on the calendar. If you are on a date on Valentine’s Day, it could be a little awkward. You have to be making sure that everything that day is going right. You most likely are more thinking about what is going wrong or right on the date than what is actually happening on the date. Also, you might be sitting at home alone and going on your Instagram feed, seeing all the post of people who are all in love and are having the greatest day ever. Additionally, you won’t be able to go out to eat anywhere. Any place you go will probably be expecting a couple, so unless you want to be embarrassed, you should probably just stay in for the night. And if you are staying in, you will be avoiding all the people that are going to get on your nerves anyway. It’s going to be a great day to be thinking about the people you don’t have in your life and how alone you truly are.

Thumbs Up:

For many of you readers, you may have just been reminded about all the bad things of Valentine’s Day and will probably choose a different article to read. But don’t act too fast; there are good things about this day too. Valentine’s day can be really fun, or not so much. It really depends on what one is doing. On the good side of things, if you have someone that you get to spend the day with, you’ll have a great day, but that’s really not the case for most of us. If you are like me and most of my friends, you are trying to think of the positives of being single this Sunday. First off, you are going to save a lot of money. Flowers, chocolates, dinner, candy, a present . . . what a waste! If you want, you can still get all that stuff, but use it for yourself. Don’t waste it on someone else. Also, Sunday is a day of rest. Do you really want to be running around town buying things and doing things for another person? Being at an all boys school, it can be very difficult to have something to do on Valentine’s Day due to never seeing girls. But, it can also be a good thing, because if your mom ever says, “Why don’t you have a girlfriend?” you can just say blame her for sending you to an all-boys school. Lastly, if all the things that I just talked about make you want to have someone to do these things with, you have a great conversation starter on Valentine’s Day. Altogether, try not to think of other people on Valentine’s Day, but think of the most important person you know: yourself.

Valentine’s day can stink, but you have to realize that about 90% of the school is probably in the same position that you’re in. So if one kid is with you on Sunday talking about how he is taking his girlfriend out on a date, remember that me and most of the kids at Prep are most likely going to be free that night. So don’t worry about Valentine’s Day because in 24 hours it will be over and you can go back to not thinking about the fact that you’re single.